Welcome to our online hub, where we explore the lives of renowned individuals who are believed to have experienced bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. Discover their stories, struggles, and triumphs that continue to inspire the world!
We’ve rounded up a list of famous figures who may have lived with Bipolar Disorder, experiencing both soaring highs and deep lows.. Click through the links below to dive into their stories and see how they navigated the rollercoaster of mania and depression!
Famous People With Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depressive Disorder)
The following people are thought to have suffered from bipolar disorder:
- Abraham Lincoln (leader)
- Agatha Christie (writer)
- Buzz Aldrin (other)
- Carrie Fisher (actor)
- Gordon Sumner (Sting) (musician)
- Heinz Prechter (entrepreneur)
- Jane Pauley (other)
- Jim Carey (actor)
- John Dally (sporting star)
- Kay Redfield Jamison (writer, other)
- Larry Flint (entrepreneur)
- Ludwig Boltzmann (other)
- Marilyn Monroe (actor)
- Maurice Benard (actor)
- Michael Slater (sporting star)
- Ozzy Osbourne (musician)
- Patrick Joseph Kennedy (leader)
- Plato (other)
- Rene Rivkin (entrepreneur)
- Robin Williams (actor)
- Sophie Anderton (other)
- Ted Turner (entrepreneur)
- Tom Waits (musician, actor)
- Vincent Van Gogh (other)
- Winston Churchill (leader)
- Adam Ant (musician)
- Axl Rose (musician)
- Drew Carey (actor)
- Edgar Poe (writer)
- Hans Christian Andersen (writer)
- Isaac Newton (other)
- Jean-Claude Van Damme (actor)
- Jimi Hendrix (musician)
- Jonathan Hay (sporting star)
- Kurt Cobain (musician)
- Liz Taylor (actor)
- Ludwig Van Beethoven (musician)
- Mark Twain (writer)
- Mel Gibson (actor)
- Napoleon Bonaparte (leader)
- Patricia Cornwell (writer)
- Patty Duke (actor)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (writer)
- Robert Downey (actor)
- Sinead O’Connor (musician)
- Stephen Fry (actor)
- Tim Burton (writer, other)
- Thomas Stearns Elliot (writer)
- Virginia Woolf (writer)
- Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart (musician)
Stuck in a depressive episode of bipolar disorder?
Yeah, it’s rough—but you’re not alone. Some of the greatest minds in history have been there too, and they made it through.
Think of it like a brutal hangover—it feels endless, but it’s temporary Push through, take it one day at a time, and remember: you’ve got the bipolar advantage. Some of the most legendary people did too, and they went on to do incrediblethings. You will too.
The sketches of famous bipolar people on this website have been custom drawn by our very own artist and all the content was written by our researcher and writer. If you wish to reproduce any of our content or reuse the photos, you may do so with our permission as long as you credit us with a link to this website. Thanks!