Famous Bipolar People

Bipolar Websites - Some of the Best Websites on Bipolar Disorder

This is a comprehensive site on a whole range of psychological disorders and has considerable amount of information on bipolar disorders including the soft nature of the condition, the actual feelings associated with the mood swings, use of psychotherapy for improving mood swings, self-diagnose bipolar using charts, managing anxiety associated with bipolar, and how to explain things to your doctor and get professional help. There is also an electronic mood charting which you can print out and use to help manage your mood better.

Since its inception in 1994, this site has provided as a premier online source for bipolar patients, clinicians, and families – be it for information on the disease, symptoms, medications, alternate modes of therapies, discussion forums, support groups, and recent updates. The site also provides practical solutions to pressing issues like education, government and legal issues, and socioeconomic issues in daily lives. From how different people are affected by this condition to the various new developments in the field, this site has it all. If bipolar touches your life in any way, as an affected person, a caretaker, or a medical professional, this site has a lot of information for you. The Pendulum website includes information about famous bipolar people from a different outlook than our website.

A website with exhaustive informative on bipolar; that is what this site is all about. People afflicted by bipolar disorder can use this site to gather information as varied as the diagnostic methods, latest drugs, government funded researches on bipolar, famous people with bipolar, international conferences, self-help methods, interaction of other diseases with bipolar. The website also has links to other websites and books related to bipolar. Medical lingo is minimized in explaining, to that the common man can understand the complex disease and improve life, despite the disease. Should be bookmarked for anyone affected by bipolar in any way.

Mental disorders are by themselves complex, but bipolar would surely top them all. The questions surrounding bipolar would be numerous; some basic, some advanced, some simple, some complex. This site covers a whole lot of information about bipolar – from the nature of the disease, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. There is an online community that is of immense help and support to those afflicted by bipolar. You can discuss personal stories, coping mechanisms, legal issues, social issues, various medications, and other methods of treatment. The sole purpose of the online community is to give a feeling of belonging and that you are not alone in it – and the website does succeed in it to a large extent.

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance is a national organization aimed at providing bipolar patients with information on understanding and managing bipolar by providing the essential support, help, and hope in a way they want, at a place of their choice. This online alliance has support groups running in thousands and is actively involved in conferences, educational process, journals, surveys, clinical research and trials of bipolar, and distribution of educational materials at no cost. The website covers symptoms, management, and recovery tips, thereby helping you empower yourself to manage the disease and your life better.

The National Institute of Mental Health has been working to change the way mental illnesses are understood, perceived, and treated by the society. To this end, it has created this website which explains bipolar disorder in a way easily understood – both the existing reality and the future promises that the disease holds. Aside from listing the signs and symptoms and medical and supportive treatment, the website also helps in locating a mental health center near you for help in case of emergency. The site also provides updated information on scientific research updates and featured publications related to bipolar.

Understanding the mood swings associated with bipolar is quite a challenge. This site, an online self-help program, was designed to help people understand the disease better, thereby helping manage their lives better. Since supportive therapy with medications plays a major role in managing bipolar, this site aims to help those who have no access to customized psychosocial programs. Register on this site and find out the more about the disease – the triggers of bipolar, biological basis, mood changes, medications, and coping mechanisms. There is also an online moderated group to help people share and learn from each other’s experiences. A highly suggested website for people affected by bipolar as well as their family and friends.

Caught in the turbulence of extreme mood swings, bipolar patients need a place to be heard by people who can empathize with them and understand their predicament. This website provides a forum aimed at educating and encouraging participation and helping people lead a fulfilling life through treatment, coping skills, support, and lifestyle management. There is a link to different books dealing with bipolar as well as a list of other useful websites. Not associated with any organization, this independent site provides an online forum that is formed by caring individuals who believe that “mind does matter” and therefore the need to manage mind better.

Sharing the experiences of living with bipolar with others helps both yourself and others. This website, penned by someone who has been managing bipolar for some years, provides a lot of insight into the disease including practical tips on managing family, work, and social life. The site serves as a huge repository of information with links leading to a large number of blogs related to bipolar, where a lot of personal stories of people afflicted with bipolar can be found. In addition to listing out various resources and news on bipolar, the site also has labeled the various blogs into different mental disorder categories like bipolar, depression, mania, etc., so you can find the relevant information you are looking for. Check this site out, and you will feel a lot better that you are not the only one affected by bipolar.

Understanding the basics of a problem at hand is very essential. And when the problem is one as complicated as bipolar, the more you learn, the more questions crop up in your mind. This site helps to understand the causes, symptoms, diagnostic measures, treatment, prognosis, and potential complications associated with bipolar. The website also has links to specific problems associated with bipolar like depression and cyclothymia. The site also connects you to other health topics, drugs and supplements where you can find more information on various disease conditions and the medications that you are prescribed.

Converting a situation to work in your favor is the way to survive any problem. The same is true of bipolar disorder too. While the depressive phases might make you feel down in the dumps, the maniac phases provide uncommon energy levels, which can be used to advantage. The Advantage Program involves mental health professionals, life coaches, and people with bipolar and aims to provide the most logical step to success for people with bipolar disorder. With a lot of peer counseling and support groups, this website has a vast store of workshops, books, and programs designed for people with bipolar. There is a huge repository of frequently asked questions relating to friends, family, organizations, therapists, and businesses. This consumer run organization will help you find the bipolar advantage, thereby helping you lead extraordinary lives.