Famous Bipolar People


An American politician and a Democrat was born on July 14, 1967. He represents Rhode Island’s first congressional district in the United States House of Representatives, a position he has held since 1995. Patrick became the youngest member of his political family to hold public office, being elected into the Rhode Island House of Representatives at the age of 21. He was one of four Democrats who won seats previously held by a Republican candidate.

Patrick graduated from Phillips Academy in Andevor, Massachusetts and had a Bachelor of Science degree in Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island upon the retirement of Ronald Machtley. He has subsequently been re-elected in elections. Patrick was appointed to the United States House Committee in Appropriations by the then United States House Majority Leader, A. Gephardt. This position came with a lot of responsibility, reflecting the confidence the Leader had in Patrick.


Patrick Kennedy has vocally and publicly advocated for reform of the American health care system. He persistently called for the inclusion of mental health under health insurance by proposing a legislation together with Pete Domenici from New Mexico. He also criticized the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence for kicking against President Obama’s health care reform program on grounds that it will cover abortion. The Bishop of the Diocese however challenged Patrick whether he satisfies basic Catholic requirements with his stand on abortion.


Kennedy was awarded for his excellent public service by the Society of Neurosciences. Eli Lilly and Company also awarded him for ‘helping move lives forward’. He also won the American Psychoanalytic Association presented 2003 President’s Award, American Psychiatric Association Alliance Award (2003) and the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Paul Wellstone Mental Health Award (2003).

Patrick confessed being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He added that, he was treated for cocaine addiction as a teenager and that he was addicted to drugs and alcohol while in Providence College. He was treated for OxyContin addiction in 2006. An eye witness described him as being impaired after an accident involving him and another driver. Though this was not proven , his handwriting on the Police report was messy. He could either be under the influence of a substance or sheer depression. Patrick was also often arrested for traffic offenses, either for over speeding or driving under alcoholic influence.


Patrick was also once alleged to have pushed a female security guard against an x-ray machine at the Los Angeles International Airport for stopping him from fixing an oversized luggage into the an x-ray machine. The case was settled out of court by Patrick paying an undisclosed amount to the victim. These are a few of the many incidents that characterized his life. He was aggressive and showed a strong personality, exhibiting symptoms of a manic depressiveness.


Patrick has never married. He was nicknamed “Patches”by his detractors. He also suffers from asthma. The Bishop of Providence has banned Patrick from taking communion, citing the reason as his public position on the legalization of abortion and his drinking habits.